Mary and Biblical Evidence for the Immaculate Conception

The belief in the Immaculate Conception of Mary is a dogma unique to Catholicism.  Catholics believe that by a special act of God’s favor and grace in her role to become the mother of God, Mary was conceived without original sin.  We also believed she remained sinless her entire life.  The Orthodox churches often affirm … Continue reading Mary and Biblical Evidence for the Immaculate Conception

Mary, The Immaculate Conception, and Other Objections Part 2

The belief in the Immaculate Conception of Mary is a dogma unique to Catholicism.  Catholics believe that by a special act of God’s favor and grace in her role to become the mother of God, Mary was conceived without original sin.  We also believed she remained sinless her entire life.  The Orthodox churches often affirm … Continue reading Mary, The Immaculate Conception, and Other Objections Part 2

Mary, The Immaculate Conception, and Other Objections Part 1

The belief in the Immaculate Conception of Mary is a dogma unique to Catholicism.  Catholics believe that by a special act of God’s favor and grace in her role to become the Mother of God, Mary was conceived without original sin.  We also believed she remained sinless her entire life.  The Orthodox churches often affirm … Continue reading Mary, The Immaculate Conception, and Other Objections Part 1

Mary, The Immaculate Conception, and “All Have Sinned”

The belief in the Immaculate Conception of Mary is a dogma unique to Catholicism.  Catholics believe by a special act of God’s favor and grace in her role to become the mother of God, Mary was conceived without original sin.  We also believed she remained sinless her entire life.  The Orthodox churches often affirm they … Continue reading Mary, The Immaculate Conception, and “All Have Sinned”

Sacred Images – The Veneration of Images Honors the Reality They Represent

In my last post I reviewed the charge made by some that Catholics “leave out” the commandment that forbids creating images, and why that claim is false.  In this post, I will review why we do make sacred images and venerate them, and how we understand that does not violate God’s command to not make … Continue reading Sacred Images – The Veneration of Images Honors the Reality They Represent

Sacred Images – Do Catholics “Leave out” a Commandment?

A common charge against the Catholic Church is we “leave out” one of the commandments – specifically the one to not make idols.  An example of this thinking: The Catholic Church long ago began making allowances for the idolatrous use of images by the way they reference the Ten Commandments.  In the Catholic catechism and … Continue reading Sacred Images – Do Catholics “Leave out” a Commandment?